CFM Systems, LLC Call Flow
CFM Systems, LLC              Call Flow

Case Study 1 - Auto Credit Company

Project Summary

Company deployed a manual interactive tool, Pay by Phone (PBP), for the agent to work with the customer over the telephone to make a single ACH (check) payment. This solution allowed the company to:

  • Maintain competitiveness with customer payment methods within the financial industry
  • Increase cash flow performance for the customer portfolio.
  • Reduce payment processing costs
Customer call volume has increased to over 1,600 PBP calls per day resulting in longer customer hold times. This project was initiated to automate this process utilizing the current Aspect CSS IVR.


The solution proposed for this project is to provide the ability to automate the PBP process and allow the customer to perform the transaction via the IVR.

Technical Architecture

The solution is based on utilizing the existing Aspect CSS IVR. The customer data is stored ion an Oracle Database.

Features and benefits acknowledged by the customer

Added customer Self-Service functionality. Customers can now make payments, Account balance inquiries via the IVR.

Case Study 2 - Insurance Company I

Project Summary

Company had an AT&T Infoworx Network (Hosted) IVR solution, and 3270 backend application. The company had purchased a premise base solution and needed to convert the Hosted IVR to most important step in this project was to bring these technologies together using Aspect’s CSS.


The solution proposed for this project was initiated to convert this process utilizing the current Aspect CSS IVR and ECS.

Technical Architecture

The solution is based on utilizing the existing Aspect CSS IVR. The customer data was accessed by 3270 “screen scraping”.

Features and benefits acknowledged by the customer
  • Added in-house customer Self-Service functionality with room to grow.
  • In-house control of the IVR/CTI applications to rapidly modify and enhance customer service experience.
Case Study 3 - Cable Company

Project Summary

Customer deployed a new CRM application ( and requires certain information from the Aspect ACD/IVR data be gathered so it “pops” a Salesforce CRM data screen.


The solution proposed was to build a Salesforce adapter to integrate the Aspect “Softphone” functionality into the Salesforce web GUI.

Technical Architecture

The solution is based on using the Aspect Winset “Softphone” controls and utilizing the Salesforce CTI SDK to integrate and build a new adapter. The solution is built using XML and C++.

Features and benefits acknowledged by the customer
  • Agent receives data as a Screen pop from the Salesforce application saving valuable “On Call” time.
  • Utilization of existing telephony equipment.
  • Seamless integration with existing ACD/IVR/CTI flow.
Take advantage of Salesforce functionality and flexibility.

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CFM Systems, LLC


Phone: 605-490-8087


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"Proactive support for Contact Center Technologies" CFM Systems, LLC - (605) 490-8087